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Arcanum Medical Spa at Luna Grace

Aged skin looks refreshed after our laser resurfacing treatments. Our team of facial and body rejuvenation specialists will provide you skilled, quality care so that you can see the best results possible. 

About Laser Resurfacing

The reason that your skin looks aged and dull is that the layers have been damaged, either by sun exposure or the natural aging process. These factors break down substances that keep skin healthy and radiant. By removing the damaged layers, we reveal younger, healthier cells.

Laser Rejuvenation

Technologies that are used for laser resurfacing are categorized as ablative and non-ablative. Ablative means that the outer layer of skin is removed. Non-ablative treatments use other mechanisms, such as subdermal tissue heating to rejuvenate the skin.

Benefits of Laser Resurfacing

  • Reduces hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, sagging, acne scars, enlarged pores, and other common problems
  • Little to no downtime
  • Treatment takes one to two hours
  • Long-lasting results
  • Tailored to the unique needs of the patient

Why Choose Us

Arcanum stands out from other cosmetic treatment practices because we make every effort to give our patients the exceptional, personalized care that they deserve. We openly share our expertise and professional insight so that patients feel empowered to make informed decisions about their procedures.

Laser Resurfacing at a Glance

Treatment ForAging/Sun damaged skin, wrinkles, laxity(sagging), enlarged pores, skin discoloration, acne scars, melasma, stretch marks,  scar revision
Expected ResultResurfaced skin with reduced pigmentations, less wrinkles, better tone, smoother texture and a healthy glow
Treatment TimeOne to two hours normally, including application of the local anesthetic
RecoveryAblative – one to two weeks for public view, but active in a day     Non-ablative – two to four days with some redness and swelling
For Best ResultMust avoid facial sun exposure and cigarettes, wear SPF 30 sun block

Laser Resurfacing FAQs

Why are ablative resurfacing techniques the best?

Used for years to remove the aging outer layer of the skin to allow the inner skin tissue to regenerate, it successfully helps form newer, smoother and more youthful appearing skin. It effectively stimulates new collagen growth in the deeper skin layer, improves the damage caused by the sun, plumps the skin, removes unwanted pigmentations, smooths wrinkles, improves acne scars, and tightens the skin. Thus, essentially almost all the changes of aging can be treated with this amazing new laser technology.  However, some conditions like melasma and stretch marks may benefit more from non-ablative resurfacing.

What is the recovery from Laser Resurfacing?

The ablative type of laser resurfacing. Thus, because it destroys the superficial layer of skin cells, it has more downtime than the nonablative techniques. However, it produces far superior results. The best part of this story is that relative to the older laser resurfacing techniques, newer lasers result in much less downtime. Most people are able to go back to normal work and activities within a few days to a week, depending on the depth of the treatment. This is about a third of the healing time required with older traditional laser resurfacing. The non-ablative type of laser resurfacing requires less downtime leaving your skin feeling like a sunburn for about an hour followed by minimal discomfort.  The skin may be red and swollen for 24 to 72 hours. As the skin is healing it may have a pinkish tone which may last 5 to 7 days.  Generally, your skin will continue to improve as the collagen regenerates for up to 6 months. The recovery of these procedures and all of your post care will be explained to you during your consultation.

How is the Laser Resurfacing done?

The procedure is performed in the office using only local analgesics with mild sedation as needed. Numbing cream and/or regional blocks can be utilized to make the procedure comfortable. It takes only around an hour to do the whole process. Afterwards, most patients complain of just mild discomfort treated with pain medications.  The entire procedure will be explained to you during your consultation.

Can other procedures be done at the same time?

Laser resurfacing can be combined with other facial rejuvenating techniques to give you the best results with the least downtime. Botox can help eliminate wrinkles that form in the upper face and around the eyes from dynamic muscle contractions. Facial fillers, such as Juvederm, Radiesse, and Sculptra can replenish the volume that is lost as you get older. Treatments, including chemical peels, that can fade and decrease the age spots, sun spots, and facial vessels can enhance the effect of the laser resurfacing on these changes. Combining these options can enhance the results of laser resurfacing to rejuvenate your face even more.

Are people happy about their Laser Resurfacing results?

Most people are very glad they had Laser Resurfacing performed. Their face is smoother with less wrinkles, lines, and pigmentations. They exhibit a more youthful appearance. Plus, they were able to do this without going under the knife and getting a face lift. Although the procedure does not replace a face lift, it does produce dramatic results by tightening and smoothing the skin. It is a nonsurgical option to rejuvenate your face.
Non surgical cosmetic enhancement procedures are improving every day. These minimal downtime procedures are replacing the need to perform plastic and reconstructive surgery on the face. Plastic surgery is becoming non-surgical. We have always and will continue to practice on the cutting edge of new facial rejuvenation techniques.

Book your appointment today