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Arcanum Medical Spa Canon City & Colorado Springs, Colorado

Restore a youthful appearance to your face with cheek augmentation.

Cheek Lift with Facial Fillers

The goal of facial rejuvenation is to create a more attractive and youthful appearance of the face. Some key characteristics of an attractive face are well-positioned brows and eyelids, high and strong cheekbones, a defined chin and jawline, and with radiant skin. When balanced together, a person can appear more youthful and refreshed.

In the process of facial aging, the desired balance can be affected by the loss of facial volume related to the loss of facial fat pads and skeletal bone absorption. This loss of facial volume can lead to sagging skin, thus creating wrinkles, folds, and jowls. One prominent area of facial volume loss is in the area of the mid-face and cheek; this area is essential in balancing other facial features and a key component in any successful facial rejuvenation outcome.

Facial Volume Loss

The loss of facial volume can cause loose skin and folds. One example is the development of nasolabial folds; many thought that these folds were caused by a descent of the facial tissues and that injectors would only fill those areas, creating a very unnatural result which many referred to as a ‘monkey mouth’ or ‘grinch mouth’ appearance. We now know that they are also caused by the deflation that occurs in the malar fat pads of the mid-face and when volume is restored to that area, the results are very natural.

Facial Fillers for Cheek Augmentation

Cheek augmentation with facial fillers requires skill and artistry from the injector. We are expert injectors who understands the art of cheek enhancement and correction of mid-face volume loss. We not only knows the anatomy of the mid-face, but also understands the three-dimensional contours created by the underlying structures of the face.

Our goal is always to create a natural look of subtle perfection with long-lasting results. When injected properly, the mid-face cheek can have a significant improvement and appear more youthful. Cheek augmentation can reduce the nasolabial folds, improve the tear trough defect, and help define the jawline. But even for women who only want to have high and strong cheekbones, cheek augmentation with facial fillers can provide impressive results and improvement.

Depending on the patient’s facial features, age, and desired outcomes, we will develop a treatment plan to create well-defined cheek bones and facial balance that may include multiple modalities for optimal results. Radiesse, Restylane Lyft, Juvéderm Voluma, and Sculptra are common fillers and volumizers used by our office for cheek augmentation.

While some clinics use permanent fillers such as fat and silicone-based products, We find that the results from these products can be very unpredictable with greater risk for complications. The modern facial fillers that we use are both safe and effective, providing predictable natural results that can last for over a year. These injections to the mid-face are very tolerable and the discomfort is minimal using we use specially formulated numbing cream, ice application, and catheter based injection techniques to help reduce discomfort.

Cheek Lift FAQs

What is a Cheek Lift?

A cheek augmentation or lift is a non-surgical injection that is done in the office to restore the volume loss of the mid-face and enhance the cheek. The fillers and volumizers that are commonly used in this area are Radiesse, Restylane Lyft, Juvéderm Voluma, and Sculptra because they give consistently pleasing results when injected properly.

Women request cheek augmentation because they want to improve the sagging skin that is creating wrinkles and folds or they want to have fuller cheeks. By adding volume to the mid-face cheek area, the lower eyelid can be contoured, the nasolabial folds can be softened, and the lower face can be lifted.

What Type of Anesthesia is Used for Cheek Augmentation?

There is very little discomfort associated with the injection of filler in the mid-face or cheek area. Most patients tolerate the injection well with just the application of a topical numbing cream and the use of our cooling device prior to the treatment.

Where is a Cheek Augmentation Performed?

We perform non-surgical cheek augmentation with fillers in the office setting at Arcanum in Canon City and Colorado Springs.

How Long Does a Cheek Augmentation Procedure Take to Perform?

The cheek augmentation takes about 30 – 40 minutes allowing time for evaluation and injection. Please allow an extra 30 to 45 minutes for adequate numbing from the topical anesthetic application.

What is the Cost of Cheek Augmentation?

The cost of any procedure varies from patient to patient depending on the level of correction that is needed. All of our fees will be discussed with you during your consultation and package pricing is offered. Financing options are also available. We welcome you to call our office for more details on fees and be sure to check our current specials.

What is the Downtime After a Cheek Augmentation Lift?

Some of our patients may have minimal bruising and minor swelling after any injection. The application of ice will help the temporary swelling and makeup can be used to cover any minor bruising that may occur. We recommend that you stop all herbal supplements and products containing aspirin prior to your scheduled injections to decrease the risk of bruising. If bruising and swelling occurs, they usually resolve in about a week. Arnica Forte is available in our practice to help with post-injection recovery when necessary. Patients should avoid exercise for 24 hours and can return to work and normal activities.

When Will I See Results from Cheek Augmentation?

The results will be seen immediately. If you develop any swelling and bruising, these symptoms will fade in few days. Depending on the severity of the correction needed and your age, you may require a touch up at the two-week follow-up visit to improve the results. We prefer to inject a little less for the desired result if needed as opposed to injecting too much; we are conservative in this approach and want you to have a natural result.

How Long Do the Results of a Cheek Augmentation Last?

The results of the cheek lift augmentation vary from patient to patient. They should last at least nine months and in many cases, the results last well over two years dependent on the product that was used for the augmentation.

How Do You Avoid Unnatural-Looking Cheeks?

We take pride in creating natural-appearing filler results with a look of subtle perfection. We possess good judgment and are conservative in our approach to facial rejuvenation of the mid-face.

Who is a Good Candidate for Cheek Augmentation?

Any individual who desires an improved mid-face with better cheek shape and projection may be a good candidate for cheek augmentation. Patients who would like to avoid surgery or an implant, but would like to improve the appearance of their cheeks, would also be a good candidate.

How Do I Learn More About a Cheek Augmentation?

Schedule a consultation to learn more about cheek augmentation with fillers. The educational consultation is of great importance and our patients find it to be very informative. We are dedicated to answering all of your questions and will make you feel comfortable and secure. After reviewing your medical history, we will listen to your concerns and expectations, perform a complete assessment, and educate you on the options that you have based on our expert recommendations. Together, we will develop a treatment plan that will fit your lifestyle and budget. You may choose to schedule the procedure at the time of your initial consultation, or you may decide at a later time.

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